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2 min read
Man as a PC
It seems that more and more people are simplifying their behaviour into a pattern that is recognizable of a computer. It appears that we...
1 min read
Over Controlling in Design is an Issue
Built environment, in my opinion, should be free from an overly controlling trend. “Imperfection is what makes beauty approachable” Built...
1 min read
The Shapeless Monster
Architecture, a shapeless monster which pervades and influences our lives. Binds us, excites us, nervous and consoles. Architecture, a...
1 min read
Historic Building and Restoration
After Christchurch earthquakes there are many people questioning how to deal with damaged historic buildings. There is not a straight...
1 min read
Architecture of Spaces
Architects have the obligation of understanding spaces and how people live in these! Building are not object dropped into the landscape...
1 min read
Nostalgia often has been judged as a constrain for the Architect. I disagree. It requires a certain strength, but being able to celebrate...
1 min read
Spaces that create atmosphere, inspire emotional responses. Architecture is a matter of commitment to research into the many levels of...
1 min read
Junkitecture - Shifting the Problem to the Result, Not the Cause
The middle-ages of architecture has been called ‘junk architecture’ a few decades ago, because the buildings were mostly constructed...
1 min read
Thoughts About Christchurch
Art and Architecture are visions and they will bring capital to the city in the long term. The city has gone, you cannot go back! Once a...
1 min read
Who is Gaining? Who is Paying?
Witnessed too many times, a land owner can think that constructing a poorly designed building could be a better investment and,...
1 min read
The power of historic architecture is in being alive. Through its resistance to the demise of time, it is the building that has given...
2 min read
Shigeru Ban
The Pritzker Prize (one of architecture’s highest honors) awarded to Shigeru Ban is a joy for me not only for the work of Ban, but also...
1 min read
Design is part of the process to build. How can you give an abstract value to it? how can you prioritize it? I could understand a...
1 min read
Rome I can't move. Sitting on the steps of an old fountain. I see old buildings, static mass with people moving in between the gaps....
1 min read
Classic and Modern
Two souls, two heart. Past and future in a split present. A warm past, old, loaded of feeling with which compare the present is a...
1 min read
Towns as Paintings
Not every stroke of brush is a piece of art on a canvas, the collectivity of strokes, the composition of them is the Art Work. Not all...
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